Miss Africa Australia Online Registration Form

Become a Sponsor!

Miss Africa Victoria Australia Pageant welcomes Sponsors for the annual pageant. Sponsors benefit from great visibility for their brands as well as supporting a great community project for young African-Australians by making a difference. For sponsorship contact the Coordinator, Miss Africa Victoria Australia Pageant.

Mission & Vision

The Vision of Miss Africa Victoria Australia Pageant is driven by the potential and capacity to motivate and empowered young men and women from African-Australian background. To be a leader, ambitious and very savvy, ready to take on responsibilities and focuse on changing the world around them. Read more...


Queen Jeannine Kambere spend time with sick children in hospitals giving them hope. Miss Africa Victoria Australia supports Care Africa, working with African young people... Read more...

Meet the Queen

The information about the current queen and other description is coming soon. The information about the current queen coming soon. The information about the current queen coming soon.

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